Explore SimplyMeet.me

and compare it to other leading meeting schedulers

Revolutionize your meetings scheduling with SimplyMeet.me, leveraging advanced features and seamless integrations to cater to any size and service, effortlessly organizing your meetings.

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SimplyMeet.me System Image


SimplyMeet.me で時間を節約し、コントロールしましょう

  • 世界中で 3万人以上のユーザー

  • 時間を 30% 節約 して、より価値のあるタスクを実現

  • 年間数千万件の予約を処理

  • スケジューリングにおける 10 年以上の の経験


  • Dhosting
  • Oracle
  • RocketLaunch
  • Dominos
  • Stanford


  • Calendar sync icon



  • Buffer times icon



  • Timezone icon



  • Reminders icon


    電子メールによるリマインダーとフォローアップを送信します。自分の Nexmo または Twilio アカウントを使用してテキスト リマインダー (SMS) を送信します

    * この接続と送信された SMS に対して、SimplyMeet.me に追加料金を支払う必要はありません。

  • Accept payments icon



  • Group bookings icon



  • Poll meetings icon



  • Email time slots icon



  • Email time slots icon


    Manage and view all your bookings on the go. Add new appointments anytime, anywhere to keep up with your dynamic schedule.

Calendly Alternative

See the Calendly vs. SimplyMeet.me Comparison

  • Easy to use: Navigate with ease, thanks to our intuitive design that puts user experience first.

  • Customize to fit you and your business: Tailor your scheduling tool to fit your exact needs — without complexity.

  • A price fit for everyone: Enjoy a full spectrum of features at a price point that respects your budget.

  • Quick, live, Customer Support: Get responsive, personalised support that makes you a priority, not a ticket number. All users, free & paying, get access to Live Chat 24h/5.

Calendly Alternative Image

Doodle Alternative

Discover the Difference between Doodle vs. SimplyMeet.me

  • A Suite of Scheduling Features: From one-on-one meetings to group sessions, enjoy a range of options that go far beyond polls.

  • Rich Customization: Adjust and refine your scheduling environment to perfectly align with your personal and business requirements.

  • Accepting Payments: Accept payments directly through the platform, surpassing Doodle's poll-based scheduling capabilities.

  • Enhanced Collaboration Tools: Unique collaboration features, such as team scheduling and real-time availability updates, for a smoother coordination process than what Doodle offers.

Doodle Alternative Image

YouCanBook.me Alternative

YouCanBook.me vs. SimplyMeet.me: Find the Best Fit for Your Needs

  • Streamlined Scheduling: Experience the ease of organizing meetings with SimplyMeet.me's user-centric design, offering a smoother journey than YouCanBook.me.

  • Custom Branding: Offers advanced customization and branding, enabling a more personalized scheduling experience than YouCanBook.me.

  • Cost-Effective with More Value: Priced at only $9.99 per user/month for 7 calendars, SimplyMeet.me beats YouCanBook.me's $10.80/calendar rate, marking it as the affordable leader.

YouCanBook.me Alternative Image

Acuity Scheduling Alternative

Acuity Scheduling vs. SimplyMeet.me: Find Your Ideal Solution

  • Seamless Tool Integration: SimplyMeet.me offers broader, hassle-free integration with your everyday tools, surpassing Acuity Scheduling for enhanced productivity.

  • Enhanced Customization: SimplyMeet.me allows for deeper personalization with more customization options than Acuity, tailoring your scheduling experience.

  • Clear Pricing: Straightforward, all-inclusive pricing beats Acuity's tiered plans, offering superior value.

  • Broader Meeting Versatility: Supports various meetings from team collaborations to consultations, providing unmatched scheduling flexibility.

Acuity Scheduling Alternative Image

SimplyBook.me Alternative

SimplyMeet.me vs. SimplyBook.me: Choose Your Best Fit

  • For Dynamic Meeting Scheduling: Optimized for dynamic meetings, SimplyMeet.me suits professionals and businesses with its versatile management.

  • Comprehensive Appointment Booking: SimplyBook.me excels in detailed appointment scheduling, ideal for service-focused sectors like healthcare and beauty.

  • Integration Depth: Tailored for teams, SimplyMeet.me syncs with productivity tools effortlessly.

  • Industry-Specific Customization: SimplyBook.me offers tailored features for personalized booking in diverse service industries.

SimplyBook.me Alternative Image

Discover how SimplyMeet.me compares with other scheduling platforms

Compare SimplyMeet.me to alternatives


Aarno Aukia

Aarno Aukia

Co-Founder & Partner

Invitees can easily self-book by selecting from your available meeting times. Simply share your booking link, and they can choose the time that works best for them.

Loïc Didelot

Loïc Didelot

Chief Executive Officer

SimplyMeet.me has definitely met expectations and solved our needs. It provides us with a simple and efficient way to schedule appointments and manage our calendars. The automatic reminders and confirmations have helped reduce missed appointments and no-shows. The system is also very user-friendly, which has made it easy for our clients to use and access. Overall, we are very happy with SimplyMeet.me and it has become an integral part of our workflow.

もっと読む 表示を減らす
Kareem Ibrahim

Kareem Ibrahim

Refugee and Immigration Lawyer

It has exceeded my expectations and totally solved my needs. I am so content!

Security matters image





Integrations Options

  • Calendar Sync Icon

    Connect Calendars

    Syncs with major calendar services for seamless scheduling.

  • Accept Payments Icon


    SBPay.me Integration allows you to accept payments from your clients online.

  • Marketing Tracking Icon

    Marketing Tracking

    Includes tools like Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics for performance tracking.

  • Video Conferences Icon

    Video Conferences

    Our Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Whereby, or Google Meet integration generates a unique video conference link for every meeting.

  • Zapier Icon

    Zapier コネクター

    Connects SimplyMeet.me with thousands of apps for automated workflows.

  • SMS Gateway Icon

    SMS Gateway

    Sends meeting notifications via SMS. We have integrated the Twilio and Nexmo gateways for you to choose from.



How does SimplyMeet.me differ from other meeting scheduling solutions?

SimplyMeet.me is not just a meeting booking system but also offers advanced features and integration options, such as Poll Meetings, Admin App, and Accept Payments, helping users manage their meeting schedules more efficiently.

We provide comprehensive plan options and customization possibilities for different user needs, from individuals (forever-free plan) to organizations and enterprises.


Can I customize my SimplyMeet.me meeting scheduling page?

SimplyMeet.me allows flexible customization of your online meeting scheduling page, enabling you to design the page's style according to visual presentation needs, such as displaying text and color schemes. Additionally, you can set up the booking form to make bookers enter complete booking information for better meeting preparation.

Create your meeting scheduling page

SimplyMeet.me には無料トライアル プランがありますか?

Absolutely! SimplyMeet.me offers a 14-day free trial for professional plan. After signing up, you can sync your personal or company calendars, try out the appointment scheduling features provided in the Professional plan, and experience the booking process in action!

After the trial, you can decide whether to continue with our Forever Free Plan for Individuals or upgrade to the Professional subscription. If you have any questions, our professional customer support team is always ready to assist you!


SimplyMeet.me 会議スケジューラを設定するにはどうすればよいですか?

If you want to manage your meeting schedules through SimplyMeet.me Meeting Scheduler, you can easily set it up by following these steps:

  • Sign up for a free SimplyMeet.me Meeting Scheduler account.
  • Choose to integrate your personal or company calendar; SimplyMeet.me offers multiple calendar integrations (Outlook, Gmail etc) as well as CalDAV compatibility. You can also just use the native calendar within SimplyMeet.me.
  • 予約タイプを設定し、空き状況を設定します。
  • ビデオ通話やオンライン支払いなどの他のソフトウェアに接続したり、Zapier 経由で追加サービスを統合したりできます。
  • ブランドの詳細をカスタマイズ: 予約ページ、通知などのスタイルを設定します。

予約プロセスをテストした後、電子メールやソーシャル メディアを介して予約リンクをクライアントと共有したり、公式 Web サイトに埋め込んで利用可能な時間を予約できるようにすることができます。

The entire meeting scheduling process is automated by SimplyMeet.me meeting scheduler. For added convenience, you can also download the app to quickly manage your appointments (available for both iOS and Android platforms).


Can I customize my SimplyMeet.me meeting scheduling page?

SimplyMeet.me 会議スケジューラは、ユーザーの会議予定スケジュールの管理を簡素化するように設計されており、さまざまなサービスと連携が可能です。次の 3 つのカテゴリに分類される、主要な連携機能を提供します。

  • Calendar Integration: Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook Calendar, Apple iCal, Office 365 Calendar, Zimbra, Zoho, and other CalDAV solutions. You can also just use the native calendar within SimplyMeet.me
  • Video Conferencing Platform Integration: Our Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Whereby, or Google Meet integration generates a unique video conference link for every meeting.
  • Accept Payment Integration: You can enable the SBpay.me integrated with major payment providers and leading accounting software: Stripe, PayPal, Square, 2checkout, Adyen, and more.
  • Accounting Integrations: Xero, Quickbooks, Freshbooks, and more.

In addition, embedding available appointment slots in websites like WordPress, Shopify, or Wix is possible. By doing so, your customers can complete online appointments directly while browsing these websites, eliminating the need to navigate to another page. Furthermore, activating Zapier can expand your software connectivity for integration with other services.

SimplyMeet.me 会議スケジューラの連携機能について詳しくみる

SimplyMeet.me 会議スケジューラーを使用して会議スケジュールを管理するメリットは何ですか?

今日のプロフェッショナルにとって、会議スケジュールを手動で調整するのは過去のことです。従来の方法では、時間を確認するためにメールを往復したり、リマインダーを手動で送信したりする必要があり、エラーが発生しやすく、非効率的で時間がかかります。 SimplyMeet.me を活用して、これらのタスクに効率的に取り組み、以下を楽しんでください。

  • Enhanced productivity: Focus on what matters, as SimplyMeet.me handles scheduling complexities.
  • Fewer missed meetings: Automated reminders mean fewer no-shows.
  • Time savings: Cut down on the manual effort and administrative overhead.

Start using the SimplyMeet.me meeting scheduler to manage your meeting schedules, regain control of your time, and spend it on more valuable work tasks!