Your request should contain the header: 'X-API-KEY'.
Note: This is a Paid plan feature.
API key will become automatically available on your Integrations page as soon as you upgrade.
Base url
Пример HTTP-запроса:
POST https://secure.simplymeet.me/panel/api/event/cancel/123
Content-Type: application/json
X-API-KEY: <insert your X-API-KEY here>
"reason": "<insert your reason here>",
Get list of ACL rules
Returns list of ACL rulesКонечная точка:
Save availability rule
Saves the availability ruleКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
AvailabilityRuleRequestDTO body - Availability rule dataВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Get organization cancellation policy
Returns the cancellation policy of the organizationКонечная точка:
Update organization cancellation policy
Updates the cancellation policy of the organizationКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
CancellationPolicyRequestDTO body - Cancellation policy dataВозврат:
Get user cancellation policy
Returns the cancellation policy of the userКонечная точка:
Update user cancellation policy
Updates the cancellation policy of the userКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
CancellationPolicyRequestDTO body - Cancellation policy dataВозврат:
Cancel event
Cancel event by idКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
int id - The id of the eventCancelEventRequestDTO body - An object containing the reason for the cancellationВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Cancel event list
Cancel event list by idsКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
CancelEventListRequestDTO body - An object containing an array of event IDs to be cancelled and an optional reason for the cancellationВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Create event
Create event by request paramsКонечная точка:
postПараметры запроса:
CreateEventRequestDTO body - An object containing the event detailsВозврат:
Get event
Get event by idКонечная точка:
getПараметры запроса:
int id - The id of the eventВозврат:
Edit event
Edit event by request params and IDКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
int id - The id of the eventEditEventRequestDTO body - An object containing the event detailsВозврат:
void -
Delete event
Delete event by idКонечная точка:
deleteПараметры запроса:
int id - The id of the eventВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Delete event list
Delete event list by idsКонечная точка:
deleteПараметры запроса:
DeleteEventListRequestDTO body - An array of integers representing the IDs of the events to be deletedВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Edit event notes
Edit event notes by idКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
int id - The id of the eventEventEditNotesRequestDTO body - An object containing the notes for the eventВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Invite participants to event
Invite participants to event by idКонечная точка:
postПараметры запроса:
int id - The id of the eventEventInviteParticipantsRequestDTO body - An object containing an array of participant emails and an optional message for the invitationВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Get list of events
Get list of events by request paramsКонечная точка:
getПараметры запроса:
GetEventListRequestDTO query - An object containing the request parameters for fetching the list of eventsВозврат:
{meta: MetaDataDTOitems: EventDTO[]} -
No show event
No show event by idКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
int id - The id of the eventВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
No show event list
No show event list by idsКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
NoShowEventListRequestDTO body - An object containing an array of event IDs to be no-showedВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Reschedule event
Reschedule event by idКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
int id - The id of the eventRescheduleEventRequestDTO body - An object containing the new date and time for the event, the event type ID, and an optional user IDВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Resend event notification
Resend event notification by idКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
int id - The id of the eventВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Get list of event types
Get list of event types by request paramsКонечная точка:
getПараметры запроса:
GetEventTypeListRequestDTO query - An object containing the request parameters for fetching the list of event typesВозврат:
Get event type availability
Get event type availability by request paramsКонечная точка:
getПараметры запроса:
int id - The id of the event typeGetEventTypeAvailabilityRequestDTO query - An object containing the request parameters for fetching the availability of the event typeВозврат:
Get event type
Get event type by idКонечная точка:
getПараметры запроса:
int id - The id of the event typeВозврат:
Add event type tag to event type
Add event type tag to event type descriptionКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
int eventTypeId - The id of the event typeint tagId - The id of the tagВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Remove event type tag
Remove event type tag by event type id and tag idКонечная точка:
deleteПараметры запроса:
int eventTypeId - The id of the event typeint tagId - The id of the tagВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Get event type tag list
Get event type tag list by event type idКонечная точка:
getПараметры запроса:
int eventTypeId - The id of the event typeВозврат:
Get list of integrations
Returns list of integrationsКонечная точка:
Create a poll result
Create a poll result with the provided request dataКонечная точка:
postПараметры запроса:
PollResultRequestDTO body - The request data for creating a poll resultВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Get list of polls
Get list of polls by request paramsКонечная точка:
getПараметры запроса:
GetPollListRequestDTO request - The request parameters for fetching the list of pollsВозврат:
PollDTO[] -
Create a new poll
Create a new poll with the provided request dataКонечная точка:
postПараметры запроса:
PollRequestDTO body - The request data for creating a new pollВозврат:
Retrieve a poll by ID
Retrieves a poll based on the provided IDКонечная точка:
getПараметры запроса:
int id - ID of the pollВозврат:
Delete a poll
Delete a poll by IDКонечная точка:
deleteПараметры запроса:
int id - ID of the pollВозврат:
Returns empty response when the operation is successful -
Create a single use link
Create a single use link for an event typeКонечная точка:
postПараметры запроса:
int id - ID of the event typeВозврат:
Get current user
Returns the current userКонечная точка:
Get user list
Returns the list of usersКонечная точка:
UserDTO[] -
Get user event type tag list
Returns the list of user event type tagsКонечная точка:
UserEventTypeTagDTO[] -
Create user event type tag
Creates a new user event type tagКонечная точка:
postПараметры запроса:
UserEventTypeTagRequestDTO body - User event type tag dataВозврат:
UserEventTypeTagDTO -
Update user event type tag
Updates the specified user event type tagКонечная точка:
putПараметры запроса:
int id - The ID of the user event type tag to updateUserEventTypeTagRequestDTO body - User event type tag dataВозврат:
UserEventTypeTagDTO -
Delete user event type tag
Deletes the specified user event type tagКонечная точка:
deleteПараметры запроса:
int id - The ID of the user event type tag to deleteВозврат:
Successful operation
Availability rule
Cancellation Policy
Meeting type
Meeting type tag
Single use link
User meeting type tag
Access Control List Rule schemaИмя Тип Описание resource string Resource name attributes array Resource attributes allowedAttributes array Allowed attributes for current user -
AnswerИмя Тип Описание id int The unique identifier of the answer. questionLabel string The label of the question. questionType string The type of the question. value string The value of the answer. plainValue string The plain value of the answer. questionUuid string questionUuid -
Answer request schemaИмя Тип Описание value string Answer value question string Question UUID -
Availability RuleИмя Тип Описание type string The type of the availability rule. hourIntervals HourIntervalDTO[] The hour intervals of the availability rule. config object The configuration of the availability rule. Example: {date: '2023-11-16'} or {weekday: 'wednesday'} -
Availability Rule RequestИмя Тип Описание eventTypeIds array The event type IDs. availabilityRules AvailabilityRuleDTO[] The availability rules. periodType string The type of the period. periodTypeConfig object The configuration of the period type. Example: {start: '2022-01-01', end: '2022-12-31'} availabilityType string Save only for weekday or date availability type. If not set, it will be saved for both types -
Cancel event list request schemaИмя Тип Описание ids array Event ids reason string Reason of cancellation. -
Cancel event request schemaИмя Тип Описание reason string Reason of cancellation. -
CancellationИмя Тип Описание id int The unique identifier of the cancellation. canceler string The user of the cancellation. reason string The reason of the cancellation. -
Cancellation policy data transfer objectИмя Тип Описание enabled bool Enabled status period int Cancellation policy period in minutes label string Cancellation policy label text string Cancellation policy text version int Version type string Type of the cancellation policy. Can be 'user' or 'organization' overwrite_personal bool Overwrite personal cancellation policy -
Cancellation policy request DTOИмя Тип Описание enabled bool Enabled status period int Cancellation policy period in minutes label string Cancellation policy label text string Cancellation policy text overwritePersonal bool Overwrite personal cancellation policy -
Create event request schemaИмя Тип Описание scheduledAt string Start date and time. Format: Y-m-d H:i:s multipleScheduledAt array Array of start dates and times. eventType int Event type id assigned to event. invitee InviteeRequestDTO Invitee data durationId int Duration id answers AnswerRequestDTO[] Answers participants ParticipantRequestDTO[] Participants locationType string Location type location string Location name string Custom event name description string Custom event description -
Delete event list request schemaИмя Тип Описание ids array Event ids -
EditEventAnswerRequestDTOИмя Тип Описание id int Answer id. value string Answer value -
EditEventInviteeRequestDTOИмя Тип Описание fullName string The full name of the invitee. phoneNumber string The phone number of the invitee. -
EditEventRequestDTOИмя Тип Описание id int Event id. Ignore this field. invitee InviteeRequestDTO">EditEventInviteeRequestDTO Invitee data answers EditEventAnswerRequestDTO[] Answers -
Event DTOИмя Тип Описание id int Event ID uuid string Event UUID user UserDTO User DTO object (event owner) eventType EventTypeDTO Event type DTO object invitee InviteeDTO Invitee DTO object cancellation CancellationDTO Cancellation DTO object participants ParticipantDTO[] Array of Participant DTO objects answers AnswerDTO[] Array of Answer DTO objects rescheduling ReschedulingDTO[] Array of Rescheduling DTO objects payment EventPaymentDTO Event payment DTO object createdAt string The date and time when the event was created. updatedAt string The date and time when the event was last updated. scheduledAt string The date and time when the event was scheduled. endDate string The date and time when the event was ended. canceledAt string The date and time when the event was canceled. state string Event state notes string Event notes details string Event details location string Event location locationType string Event location type onlineEventId string Online event ID sentEmailReminder int Sent email reminder lastSentInviteeEmailReminder int Last sent invitee email reminder lastSentInviteeEmailFollowUp int Last sent invitee email follow up duration int Event duration users UserDTO[] Array of UserDTO objects assigned to the event relatedEventIds array Array of related event IDs name string Event name description string Event description -
Event edit notes request schemaИмя Тип Описание notes string Notes. -
Event invite participants request schemaИмя Тип Описание emails array Emails message string Message -
EventPaymentDTOИмя Тип Описание provider string provider amount number amount currency string currency status string status system string system referenceId int referenceId overwritePersonal bool overwritePersonal -
Event Type AvailabilityИмя Тип Описание date string The date of the availability hours EventTypeAvailabilityHoursDTO[] Array of availability hours available bool Indicates if the date is available -
Event Type Availability HoursИмя Тип Описание start string The start time of the availability hour available bool Indicates if the hour is available -
Event type DTOИмя Тип Описание id int Unique identifier for the event type name string Name of the event type color string Color user UserDTO User DTO object (event type owner) type string Type: regular, round-robin, collective duration int Duration in minutes slug string Slug (unique identifier for the event type) amount number Amount currency string Currency locationType string Location type: 'custom', 'zoom', 'request', 'whereby', 'google_meet', 'kopano_meet', 'microsoft_teams' location string Event location - custom text isEnabled bool Flag to indicate if the event type is enabled isSecret bool Flag to indicate if the event type is secret users UserDTO[] Array of UserDTO objects assigned to the event type timezone string Timezone isLocalized bool Flag to indicate if the event type show booking page in client timezone durationType string Duration type: fixed or flexible eventTypeDurations EventTypeDurationDTO[] Flexible durations position int Position eventTypeRequestLocationTypes EventTypeRequestLocationTypeDTO[] Request location types uuid string UUID attribute isAllowCancel bool Display cancellation link in notifications isAllowReschedule bool Display reschedule link in notifications isShowPhone bool Flag to indicate if phone is to be shown isPhoneFieldRequired bool Flag to indicate if phone field is required questions QuestionDTO[] Event type questions isMultipleMeeting bool Flag to indicate if multiple events are allowed (Allow clients to book multiple event slots) locationLabel string Location question if location type = request groupMeetingLimit int Group meeting limit showGroupMeetingRest bool Show group meeting rest -
EventTypeDurationDTOИмя Тип Описание id int The unique identifier of the duration. duration int Duration in minutes -
EventTypeRequestLocationTypeDTOИмя Тип Описание id int The unique identifier locationType string Location type: 'custom', 'zoom', 'request', 'whereby', 'google_meet', 'kopano_meet', 'microsoft_teams' -
Event Type TagИмя Тип Описание id int The id of the event type tag name string The name of the event type tag color string The color of the event type tag position int The position of the event type tag enabled bool Indicates if the event type tag is enabled -
Get Event List FilterИмя Тип Описание ids array Event ids eventTypeType string Event type type state string Event state status string status paymentStatus string Payment status invitee string Invitee (email or name) uuid string Event uuid eventTypeList array Event type ids userList array User ids organizationTagList array Organization tag ids scheduledAtFrom string Scheduled at from: YYYY-MM-DD scheduledAtTo string Scheduled at to: YYYY-MM-DD -
Get Event List RequestИмя Тип Описание page int Page number for pagination. Should be greater than 0. onPage int Number of items per page. Should be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100. orderField string Field to use for sorting. orderDirection string Sort direction. Should be either 'asc' (ascending) or 'desc' (descending). skipPagination bool Flag to skip pagination. groupBy string Field to use for grouping. GetEventListFilterDTO GetEventListFilterDTO Filter for getting event list -
Get Event Type Availability RequestИмя Тип Описание id int The id of the event type startDate string The start date of the availability endDate string The end date of the availability timezone string The timezone of the availability durationId int The id of the duration userId int The id of the user -
Get Event Type List FilterИмя Тип Описание ids array Event type ids forCurrentUser bool Get event types for current user manageRoundRobin bool To retrieve a list of event types that a user can edit. type string Event type type -
Get Event Type List RequestИмя Тип Описание page int Page number for pagination. Should be greater than 0. onPage int Number of items per page. Should be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100. orderField string Field to use for sorting. orderDirection string Sort direction. Should be either 'asc' (ascending) or 'desc' (descending). skipPagination bool Flag to skip pagination. groupBy string Field to use for grouping. filter GetEventTypeListFilterDTO Filter for getting event type list -
GetPollListRequestDTOИмя Тип Описание page int Page number for pagination. Should be greater than 0. onPage int Number of items per page. Should be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100. orderField string Field to use for sorting. orderDirection string Sort direction. Should be either 'asc' (ascending) or 'desc' (descending). skipPagination bool Flag to skip pagination. groupBy string Field to use for grouping. -
Hour IntervalИмя Тип Описание start string The start time of the interval. end string The end time of the interval. -
Integration list data transfer objectИмя Тип Описание user array User integrations organization array Organization integrations -
InviteeИмя Тип Описание id int The unique identifier of the invitee. email string The email address of the invitee. fullName string The full name of the invitee. timezone string The timezone of the invitee. phoneNumber string The phone number of the invitee. locale string The locale of the invitee. cancellationPolicy string The cancellation policy of the invitee. uuid string The UUID of the invitee -
Invitee request schemaИмя Тип Описание fullName string Full name email string Email timezone string Timezone locale string Locale phoneNumber string Phone number cancellationPolicy string Cancellation policy -
Metadata for the paginated resultИмя Тип Описание pagesCount int The total number of pages itemsPerPage int The number of items per page itemsCount int The total number of items currentPage int The current page -
No show event list request schemaИмя Тип Описание ids array Event ids -
OrganizationDTOИмя Тип Описание id int The unique identifier of the organization. uuid string The unique UUID identifier of the organization. slug string Slug (unique identifier for the organization) name string The name of the organization. createdAt string The date and time when the organization was created. locale string The locale of the organization. rtl bool The right-to-left layout of the organization. calendarLayout string The calendar layout of the organization. hideUnavailableDates bool Hide unavailable dates. sundayIsFirstDay bool Sunday is the first day of the week. email string The email associated with the organization. intro string The intro associated with the organization. domain string The custom domain associated with the organization. socialLink SocialLinkDTO The social links associated with the organization. -
ParticipantИмя Тип Описание id int The unique identifier of the participant. email string The email address of the participant. createdAt string The creation date of the participant. -
Participant request schemaИмя Тип Описание email string Email -
Data Transfer Object (DTO) for Poll AvailabilityИмя Тип Описание id int Poll ID date string Poll date in ISO 8601 format (e.g., 2023-12-31T23:59:59+00:00) results PollResultDTO[] Poll results -
Poll availability request schemaИмя Тип Описание date string The date for checking poll availability -
Data Transfer Object (DTO) for PollИмя Тип Описание id int Poll ID uuid string Poll UUID user user user eventType eventType eventType voteVisibility bool Visibility of the poll vote commentVisibility bool Visibility of the poll comment emailNotification bool Email notification for the poll duration int Duration of the poll in minutes name string Name of the poll createdAt string Creation date of the poll in ISO 8601 format availability PollAvailabilityDTO">PollAvailabilityDTO[] Array of availability slots for the poll -
Poll request schemaИмя Тип Описание eventTypeId int Event type ID for the poll voteVisibility bool Visibility of the poll vote commentVisibility bool Visibility of the poll comment emailNotification bool Email notification for the poll duration int Duration of the poll in minutes name string Name of the poll availability PollAvailabilityRequestDTO[] Array of availability slots for the poll -
Data Transfer Object (DTO) for Poll ResultИмя Тип Описание email string Email address of the client comment string Comment of the client -
Poll result request schemaИмя Тип Описание uuid string Poll UUID availability array Availability ids email string email comment string comment -
QuestionDTOИмя Тип Описание label string The label of the question. type string The type of the question. required bool Determines if the question is required or not. config array Question config. [{label: 'value'}, {label: 'value'}] uuid string The unique identifier of the question. position int The position/order of the question. -
Reschedule event request schemaИмя Тип Описание start string Start date and time. Format: Y-m-d H:i:s end string End date and time. Format: Y-m-d H:i:s eventTypeId int Event type id assigned to event. userId int User id assigned to event. -
ReschedulingИмя Тип Описание id int The unique identifier of the rescheduling. rescheduler string The user of the rescheduling. reason string The reason of the rescheduling. previouslyScheduledAt string The date and time of the rescheduling. previousUser UserDTO The user of the previous appointment. -
SimpleEventTypeDTOИмя Тип Описание id int id slug string slug name string name color string color location_type string location_type timezone string timezone user_full_name string user_full_name localized bool localized direct_url string direct_url -
SimpleUserDTOИмя Тип Описание id int id email string email fullName string fullName -
Single use link response schemaИмя Тип Описание code string The code of the single use link url string The URL of the single use link -
SocialLinkDTOИмя Тип Описание id int The unique identifier of the social link. facebookUrl string The URL of the Facebook profile. twitterUrl string The URL of the Twitter profile. instagramUrl string The URL of the Instagram profile. linkedinUrl string The URL of the LinkedIn profile. whatsappUrl string The URL of the WhatsApp profile. -
UserИмя Тип Описание id int The unique identifier of the user. uuid string The UUID of the user email string The email address of the user. fullName string The full name of the user. slug string Slug (unique identifier for the user) subscriptionUsersLimit int The limit of users that can be added to the subscription. isSecondFactorConfigured bool Determines if the second factor authentication is configured for the user. isEnabled bool Determines if the user account is enabled or not. dateFormat string The date format of the user. address string The address of the user. state string The state of the user's address. city string The city of the user's address. zip string The zip code of the user's address. countryId string The country ID of the user's address. lat number The latitude coordinate of the user's location. lng number The longitude coordinate of the user's location. domain string The custom domain associated with the user. phone string The phone number associated with the user. companyLogoName string The name of the company logo associated with the user. avatarName string The name of the avatar associated with the user. organization OrganizationDTO The organization details associated with the user. createdAt string The date and time when the user was created. lastLogin string The date and time of the user's last login. connections array List of OAuth connections hasPaidSubscription bool Determines if the user has a paid subscription. timezone string timezone timeFormat string timeFormat timezoneOffset string timezoneOffset -
User Event Type TagИмя Тип Описание id int The unique identifier of the event type tag. name string The name of the event type tag. color string The color of the event type tag. position int The position of the event type tag. user UserDTO The user associated with the event type tag. -
User Event Type Tag RequestИмя Тип Описание position int The position of the event type tag. name string The name of the event type tag. color string The color of the event type tag.