Положения и условия


Это юридически обязывающий документ, регулирующий предоставление вам онлайн-решения SimplyMeet.me от SimplyBook.me Ltd через наш веб-сайт.

Когда вы регистрируете учетную запись, вы автоматически принимаете приведенные ниже положения, которые составляют Положения и условия SimplyMeet.me, и вы юридически связаны ими. Внимательно прочитайте этот документ и ознакомьтесь с Положениями и условиями нашего веб-сайта, Политикой конфиденциальности SimpleMeet.me и Соглашением об обработке данных.


1. Программное решение SimplyMeet.me

1.1. The SimplyMeet.me Online Solution is an online meeting software solution, owned and operated by SimplyBook.me Ltd (the “Solution”), a company incorporated and existing under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus (may be referred to as “We” and/or “Us”).

1.2. The Solution is available via the domain simplymeet.me which is owned by Us and provided as per the SimplyBook.me Ltd’s Website Terms and Conditions (the “Website T&Cs”).

1.3. The Solution is designed and expected to be used by Users (may be referred to as “You”) as a platform which facilitates the online scheduling of meetings (the “Specific Purposes”), following a sign-up for a SimplyMeet.me Account (the “Account”) and in accordance with the provisions herein.

1.4. You hereby understand and accept that, any links to domains and websites which are not covered by our Website T&Cs, do not apply to the provisions herein and for the Specific Purposes; but solely for your convenience and do not constitute any endorsement, guarantee, warranty, or recommendation and we do not have any control whatsoever over respective legal documents and/or security and/or privacy practices.

2. Другие услуги и сторонние поставщики услуг

2.1. You hereby agree and understand that the SBPay.me Solution (“SBPay.me”) is made available to You by SimplyBook.me Ltd and is subject to the provisions herein.

2.2. The SBPay.me must be activated by You in order to be used, therewithin you can activate your preferred payment processors and it will store any payments from Your Clients via the activated and selected payment processors, as well as related sales details such as date, amount, service purchased, type of payment (recurring or not), client name, card type, portion of card number and other related details. The credit card information stored in SBPay.me could not be used by anyone intruder or hackers for their own benefit as this is incomplete information and does not contain CVV number and only a few digits from credit card number.

2.3. You may use SBPay.me for easy refunding of payments, and for obtaining information and statistics of your sales.

2.4. The processing of personal data for the purposes of using the SBPay.me is subject to the provisions of the SimplyMeet.me Privacy Policy.

2.5. You hereby understand and agree that, You may enable services and integrations in order to receive the Solution as per the Specific Purposes; which are not vetted, endorsed, or controlled by Us in any way or manner and therefore you use them at your own risk, subject to respective applicable provisions, limitations etc.

2.6. You hereby understand, agree and accept that for clause 2.5. above, it is Your responsibility to conclude necessary legal agreements for the use of their respective services and/or for the processing of personal data from their side.

3. Допустимое использование

3.1. The use of the Solution is strictly limited to the Specific Purposes and any other unrelated usage is strictly forbidden such as for:

3.1.1. sending spams and/or other emails or SMS (text messages) making direct or indirect reference to activities which may be illegal in some jurisdictions such as prescription or not drugs, including but not limited to cannabis, THC, Marijuana, TLC, CBD; and loan arrangements such as student loans, payday loan, get rich quick schemes and other; and/or otherwise infringe other peoples’ privacy in any way; and/or

3.1.2. undertaking or in any way promote illicit activities; and/or

3.1.3. misrepresenting Your true identity and/or impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent Your affiliation with a person or entity; and/or

3.1.4. usage in any manner that modifies, publicly displays, publicly performs, reproduces or distributes any of this services of We offer; and/or

3.1.5. any action which violates any local, state, national, foreign, or international statute, regulation, rule, order, treaty, or other law applicable to You and/or Us; and/or

3.1.6. stalking, harassing and/or cause any kind or harm to another person; and/or

3.1.7. to use any data mining, robots, or similar data gathering or extraction methods in connection with SimplyMeet.me and/or Us in general; and/or

3.1.8. any attempt to gain unauthorized access to accounts, computer systems, or networks connected to the Website, whether through hacking, password mining, or any other means.

3.2. Если иное прямо не разрешено в настоящем документе, вы не можете прямо или косвенно продавать, уступать, сублицензировать, сдавать в аренду, арендовать, распространять или иным образом передавать программное решение SimplyMeet.me или любые лицензионные права или обязательства в соответствии с положениями настоящего документа какой-либо третьей стороне (физическое или юридическое лицо), без явного письменного согласия SimplyBook.me Ltd.

3.3. You hereby agree and understand that you have the full legal responsibility to comply with, follow and perform Your business operations within any applicable local and/or international law and regulation when using the SimplyMeet.me Solution.

4. Условия оплаты

4.1 In consideration for the use of Solution and in line with the provisions herein, You hereby accept that the fees payable shall be in accordance with the Fee Schedule available on our Website, as may be amended from time and to our discretion and any applicable VAT or sales tax is payable by You in addition to payable fees.

4.2 You hereby agree and understand that all purchases made pursuant to the provision herein are final, and are not refunded.

5. Term and Termination

5.1 The provisions of this document shall be applicable from the date You sign-up for a SimplyMeet.me Account and shall remain in effect until terminated in accordance with the provisions herein.

5.2 We reserves the right to terminate, delete or suspend Your SimplyMeet.me Account, subject to our discretion and without any prior written notice, where:

I. we determine that You have breached any of the key provisions herein or as otherwise deemed necessary for the uninterrupted usage of the Solution; and/or

II. the SimplyMeet.me Account owner is not confirmed; and/or

III. the SimplyMeet.me Account is not active for more than 8 (eight) weeks - provided that no log in occurred from the owner of the SimplyMeet.me Account and/or no valid paid subscription is present; and/or

VI. we deem there is some unusual usage of the system causing high server load; and/or

V. it has been determined that the SimplyMeet.me Account has been created from a person proven to be under 18 (eighteen) years old or by someone impersonating another person.

5.3 You may terminate these T&Cs at any time and therefore delete Your SimplyMeet.me Account subject to any pending payments and/or other legal obligations.

5.4 Любое прекращение действия настоящих Положений и условий происходит без ущерба для любых других прав, средств правовой защиты или обязательств, применимых к нам и/или вам, прямо или косвенно, и вступающих в силу или продолжающих действовать после такой приостановки.

6. Защита данных, конфиденциальность и безопасность

6.1 You hereby acknowledge, understand and agree that the provisions of our SimplyMeet.me Privacy Policy and Data Processing Agreement (“DPA”) are automatically applicable to You as part of these T&Cs when you sign up for a SimplyMeet.me Account.

6.2 You can change your password at any time in the admin interface of the System.

6.3 It is Your responsibility to create a strong password and maintain the confidentiality of the password and access to Your SimplyMeet.me Account and undertake all responsibilities for actions which occur under Your SimplyMeet.me Account which must be in line with any applicable laws and/or regulations.

6.4 We shall not be held in any way for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the provisions of herein and taking reasonable steps to ensure security of information when using the SimplyMeet.me Software Solution.

7. Конфиденциальность и интеллектуальная собственность

7.1 Вся Конфиденциальная информация на нашем веб-сайте и/или часть доступного вам решения, остается исключительно в нашей собственности.

7.2 Любая Конфиденциальная информация, предоставленная вам в соответствии с положениями настоящего документа, регулируется положениями настоящего документа, если иное прямо не указано в настоящем документе, и ни при каких обстоятельствах не должна использоваться в каких-либо иных целях.

8. Ограничение ответственности

8.1 You hereby agree and understand that:

8.1.1. We do not warrant that the Solution will be free of non-material errors, and/or bugs, and/or interruptions of business and/or services;

8.1.2. pursuant to clause 8.1.1. above, We shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental or special damages, including but not limited to any loss in profits, use, business and/or service interruption, data or cost of obtaining goods; arising out of or in connection with the provisions herein, or the use or inability to use Your SimplyMeet.me Account.

8.2 We shall have no liability whatsoever to remedy any breach of a warranty, undertaking and/or representation provided herein where the breach results from your misuse of SimplyMeet.me Software Solution and/or is in relation to Your obligations to the subject matter of the provisions herein.

8.3 За исключением возмещения за нарушение, ни при каких обстоятельствах наша совокупная ответственность, вытекающая из положений настоящего документа или связанная с ними, независимо от причины, какой-либо теории ответственности, основанной на договоре или иным образом, за исключением случаев, связанных с положениями о возмещении в настоящем документе; не должна превышать сумму, оплачиваемую вами в соответствии с положениями настоящего Договора.

8.4 The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy stated herein and except as expressly and specifically provided herein, You assume sole responsibility for results obtained from the use the SimplyMeet.me Software Solution, including any and all conclusions drawn from such use; and any and all warranties, representations, conditions and all other terms of any kind whatsoever implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, excluded from the provisions of heein and pursuant to the subject matter.

9. Indemnification

9.1 You hereby agree that You will indemnify and hold SimplyBook.me Ltd and its officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures, and employees; harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of the provisions herein or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party, pursuant to the provisions herein.

9.2 Where there is a dispute between You and a third party for any reason relating to the use of the SimplyMeet.me Software Solution, We shall have no liability, responsibility or otherwise held accountable for any claim, demand (actual and consequential) of any kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with Your SimplyMeet.me Account.

10. General Provisions

10.1 The provisions of the General Terms & Conditions for Users’ Clients are applicable to the extent permitted and You have the responsibility to inform Your clients accordingly and sufficiently on relevant matters.

10.2 We shall not be liable by reason of failure or delay in the performance of our obligations herein, if the failure arises out of any circumstances beyond each reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, flood, various attacks by hackers that may interrupt the service, fire, natural disaster, war, pandemic, invasion, riot, civil unrest, embargos, national or regional emergency, strikes, power or hosting and telecommunication interruptions or shortages. If we fail to perform the set obligations, due to circumstances beyond control we will give a prompt notice to the other Party, stating known information about the occurrence. This information will be published on our Facebook group, and on our Twitter account during the incident. In such incidents you may always decide to terminate this collaboration and delete the SimplyMeet.me but there are no refunds for already paid subscription.

10.3 You have the capacity to enter into this legal relationship subject to the provisions herein, and have no legal commitments and/or obligations which may likely conflict or otherwise interfere with or impede the duties and responsibilities herein.

10.4 The provisions herein, together with other documents incorporated by reference, constitute the sole, entire and final agreement between You and Us, with respect to the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings, representations, agreements and warranties, whether written, oral or implied between You and SimplyBook.me Ltd.

10.5 Nothing in the provisions herein shall be construed as creating any agency, partnership or any other form of joint enterprise, employment or fiduciary relationship between You and SimplyBook.me Ltd.

10.6 Любые спорные претензии, споры или разногласия, возникающие на основании или в связи с положениями настоящего документа между Вами и Нами, должны разрешаться посредством альтернативного разрешения споров, начиная с посредничества и включая, при необходимости, окончательный и обязывающий арбитраж. Если спор не разрешен, следующим шагом будет арбитраж, для которого арбитр должен быть взаимно согласован в течение 15 дней, пока они добросовестно прилагают разумные усилия для разрешения спора.

10.7 С целью выполнения положений этого документа приведенные ниже контактные данные SimplyBook.me Ltd применяются для уведомлений:

Email Address:

support@simplybook.me (общие вопросы)

legal@simplybook.me (юридические вопросы)

accounting@simplybook.me (запросы о счетах)

securityofficer@simplybook.me (запросы о безопасности информации)

dpo@simplybook.me (запросы о конфиденциальности и личных данных)

Postal Address:

30 Gladstonos Street, P. Makedonas Court, Mezzanine Floor, 3041, Limassol, Cyprus.

10.8 The provisions herein may be amended at any time by SimplyBook.me Ltd in order to reflect any changes to the applicable laws and regulations and/or our business operations and we will notify you for any major changes prior to the date these will take effect.

10.9 The provisions herein will be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Cyprus and any disputes relating to provisions herein shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Cyprus.

Last update: 01/11/2022

Effective date: 01/11/2022

Version: 2.1.