個人工作者 / 工作室

Start accepting bookings from clients within a few minutes. Easily schedule all your meetings and appointments and make sure your clients get automatic reminders and follow ups. We offer a Free Forever plan for individuals - Grow your business with SimplyMeet.me!

立即註冊 免費體驗
  • 不需透過電子郵件反覆確認


  • 提昇預約出席率


  • 避免會議排程衝突

    您可以串接最多 8 個不同的行事曆,如: iCal、Google 行事曆或 Outlook 行事曆,確保您的私事排程不會與客戶預約的會議排程衝突,進而提昇時間管理效率及工作生產力。

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Additional Functionality

  • Reverse calendar sync

    With Reverse calendar sync, it becomes straightforward to manage particular hours, days and weeks ahead that have specific or unusual availability.

    In an external connected calendar you can quickly block selected times and these blocked times become available and open for bookings for a certain SimplyMeet.me service type. This is the opposite to the normal functionality and could for example be used to create special availability for a hidden calendar link with a certain service type.

  • Custom Translations

    Do you think the word "Events" suits your business module better than "Meetings"? - Not a problem! You can customise it as well as any other text on your booking website with our Custom Translations feature.

    Despite the account language, you have the flexibility to custom translate it in your own way.

  • Follow Up Email

    Stay on top of your meetings after they have ended with automatic follow-up emails. These notifications allow you to follow up with clients.

    You can pre-set the number of follow-up notifications sent to your clients and set the specific time scale, minutes or hours after your recent meeting.

    That could be to remind the client to book with you again, sharing helpful information, links or more.

  • 團體預約

    The Group Bookings feature allows you to take more than one booking in all available time slots.

    This can be useful for meetings such as webinars, training sessions, group lectures, group classes and/or for various events

  • Poll Meetings

    As a meeting organizer, propose multiple time slots and let participants choose their preferences. Easily identify the most popular time and confirm the meeting with maximum convenience and attendance.

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  • 線上即時收款

    SimplyMeet.me 與各種主要金流平台整合,如: Stripe、LINE Pay、綠界、藍新等,讓您的客戶在預約會議時,預先支付必要款項,

  • 提昇預約出席率

    您是否想在 WordPress 嵌入預約套件?

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