企業品牌專屬 會議預約排程系統

一站式管理所有企業組織 / 部門的會議排程,讓客戶輕鬆挑選預約對象即可預約時段。

  • 4.7/5
  • 4.4/5
Enterprise image

知名企業品牌選用 SimplyMeet.me

  • Dhosting
  • Oracle
  • RocketLaunch
  • Dominos
  • Stanford


  • Calendar sync icon


    串接主流行事曆,如:Outlook、Google、iCloud 和 CalDav 等。若使用專業版方案,則每個使用者最多可以串連同步 8 個行事曆。

  • Video meetings icon


    與 Zoom、Microsoft Teams、Google Meet 和 Whereby 整合,當客戶線上預約後,系統將會自動發送「包含視訊會議連結」的提醒通知。

  • Accept payments icon


    Process payments through a wide range of processors (Stripe, PayPal and many more) on the personal and the organization level

  • Round Robin icon



  • Different user roles icon

    OKTA(SSO 驗證)

    Use OKTA (SSO authentication) to allow fast and simple login for your users.

  • Centralized billing icon

    Centralized billing and reporting

    Gives you an overview of your team member's subscriptions and their booking history

Additional Functionality

  • Reverse calendar sync

    With Reverse calendar sync, it becomes straightforward to manage particular hours, days and weeks ahead that have specific or unusual availability.

    In an external connected calendar you can quickly block selected times and these blocked times become available and open for bookings for a certain SimplyMeet.me service type. This is the opposite to the normal functionality and could for example be used to create special availability for a hidden calendar link with a certain service type.

  • Custom Translations

    Do you think the word "Events" suits your business module better than "Meetings"? - Not a problem! You can customise it as well as any other text on your booking website with our Custom Translations feature.

    Despite the account language, you have the flexibility to custom translate it in your own way.

  • Follow Up Email

    Stay on top of your meetings after they have ended with automatic follow-up emails. These notifications allow you to follow up with clients.

    You can pre-set the number of follow-up notifications sent to your clients and set the specific time scale, minutes or hours after your recent meeting.

    That could be to remind the client to book with you again, sharing helpful information, links or more.

  • 團體預約

    The Group Bookings feature allows you to take more than one booking in all available time slots.

    This can be useful for meetings such as webinars, training sessions, group lectures, group classes and/or for various events

  • Poll Meetings

    As a meeting organizer, propose multiple time slots and let participants choose their preferences. Easily identify the most popular time and confirm the meeting with maximum convenience and attendance.

Feature image Feature image Feature image Feature image Feature image
Features one
  • 白標(White label)於頁面底部


  • 客製網域


  • 自訂電子郵件寄件者

    使用企業 / 公司電子郵件發送預約細項、提醒。

  • SMTP

    Send all the notifications from your own email address

  • 緩衝時間


  • 跨時區&多語系預約排程網頁

    您的客戶是否來自世界各地?SimplyMeet.me 將自動顯示客戶所在地之時間及語系,幫助您的客戶輕鬆挑選適合的預約時段。

  • 複製設定


  • 專業標籤


Features two

企業各部門必備 會議預約排程系統

  • 業務開發&行銷推廣


  • Consultants


  • 人力資源 / 招募


串接您愛用的第三方 Apps 應用

將 SimplyMeet.me 與其他第三方軟體整合,發展更多可能,像是:Slack、MailChimp、Google Sheets、Pipedrive、WordPress 及其他更多的主流應用服務。

favorite-apps image


  • Outlook
  • Office 365
  • Microsoft Teams
  • iCloud
  • Google
  • FastMail
  • WordPress
  • Whereby
  • Zoom
  • Zapier
  • Zoho
  • Evidence
  • Facebook Pixel
  • twillo
  • nexmo
  • okta
  • SBPay.me
  • DAVx5
  • SBPay.me
SimplyMeet support members

專業的 客服支援

  • 專人導入預約排程系統
  • 優先回覆客服問題
  • 專屬 LINE 溝通群組(專案負責人開通)
  • 客製功能&整合串接



Security badges


SimplyMeet.me 會議排程解決方案已通過 ISO 27001 認證,公司依據資訊安全標準積極展開營運,定期安排員工培訓並有專門的資安官。除了定時的伺服器掃描外,我們每年都會對我們的解決方案,進行第三方滲透測試。我們在不同的數據中心使用安全通訊、每日備份等,同時也鼓勵所有用戶使用兩步驟驗證來保障其造訪系統資安全,公司或企業也可使用 OKTA SSO 整合讓員工輕鬆登入。最重要的是,我們有專門的資安官來保障您的業務在我們這邊保持安全性,以便您可以與我們的團隊中合格的專員討論您的需求及問題,進一步為您提供專業的服務。

我想查閱資安細項 (Security Package)

需要 更彈性 的預約排程解決方案?

  • Google 我的商家 地圖預訂

  • 銷售 實體商品

  • 接受 預付訂金

  • 客製化 預約表單

  • Facebook&Instagram 社群預約

  • 優惠折扣碼 及禮物卡兌換

  • 管理者&消費者 專屬 App

  • 會員套票 及課程預訂